Resume FAQ

What is my Awesome Applicants Resume Number?

Your Awesome Applicants Resume number is your Workamper News member number. You can find this number on the Manage Account page here on  If you receive a physical copy of our magazine in the mail, you will find your member number above your name on the mailing label. It will be six digits or less. We are happy to tell you what your member/resume number is as well - email to [email protected] or call 800-446-5627.

You can include your Awesome Applicants Resume number in your Situations Wanted Ads, or you can give it to an Employer that you know is an Employer Gold member of ours. The Employer Gold member can input your resume number on their search page to pull up your resume quickly and without seeing any other resumes to distract them from yours!

How do I edit my resume?

Login to which will take you to your Dashboard.  Click on the Resume Builder button.

The Builder is a step-by-step tool to create or edit your Resume. If you add or change any information on one of the pages, be sure to click the Save button before moving on.

Once you have the first four sections of your resume completed, it will be available in the database searched by Employers.

The Resume Builder is accessible to Workamper Diamond & Platinum members.

How do I turn off my resume?

Login to and click on the Awesome Applicant Resumé Builder button on your Dashboard.

First, consider not turning OFF your resume. Just update it to reflect your preferences for the next Workamping season you are available for.  This way your resume will continue to work for you. There are Employers who recruit 6 months to a year out.  Adjust your Availability Date, your locations and work setting preferences, and update the objective or any other job/location specific info in your Sell Yourself section. The more often you update or "touch" your resume, the more often you will show up in the top of the Employer's search results, as the default display is most recently updated resumes first.

To remove your resume from the database searched by Employers, check the box on the Resume Home section labeled "hide my resume from employers' view".  Click the Save button to save this preference.

Even if your resume is hidden from the database, you can still email it to anyone at anytime via the Resume Builder tool.  Resumes that have not been updated/touched in the last 6 months are automatically removed from the database.

What are the photo specs for resumés?

Photos must be in .jpg, .gif or .png format and will work best if under 200 mb in size. If they are larger, when uploaded they should be resized or compressed automatically to fit.

We recommend you provide a close-up, a photo of your rig, and perhaps one of you with your rig. This is your chance to show employers that you take pride in your appearance and your rig. You might also like to use one photo to showcase special talents. If you are a clown, you could include a photo of yourself in costume. If you play the bass fiddle, you might want to provide a photo of yourself performing. If you have equine skills, and you are seeking work on a ranch, a photo of yourself on horseback would make a great statement. Or, you might wish to provide employers with a photo of your pet(s). Be sure to use photos that are sharp, clear, and have a good contrast.

I am having trouble uploading photos to my resume.

Photos must be in .jpg, .gif or .png format and will work best if under 200 mb in size. If they are larger, when uploaded they should be resized or compressed automatically to fit.

If your photo will not upload, it could be the file format or the size is too large.  Sometimes changing the file name will help. You can resize photos using Microsoft Paint or Apple's Preview fairly easily.  We recommend sizing down to about 600 pixels wide.

Please contact the office if you are not able to make it work.

How do I view my resume the way the Employer will see it?

When in the Resume Builder tool, click on the View Resume button.  You can also email your resume to yourself via the Email Resume button.

How do I send my Awesome Applicants resume to an employer?

You can email your resume to anyone at any time.  Go to the Awesome Applicants Resume Builder tool via the button on your Dashboard.

On the Resume Home section, click on the Email Resume button.  You can type in the name of the Employer/business, the email address you are sending to, and also type in a message.  Whatever you type in the message box will appear at the top of the emailed resume.

You will receive a copy of the emailed resume to your own email address too, to act as a "send receipt".  On the Email Resume page, you will also see a Send Log so you can tell who you have sent your resume to and when.

If the Employer has requested resumes via fax or mail, you can print out a clean version of your resume by clicking on the Print Resume button on the Resume Home section of the Resume Builder tool.

Where can I view an Awesome Applicants sample resume?

Go to the AA Resume Builder tool from your Dashboard.  Click the tab for the Sell Yourself section. Click on the View Sample button.

Can I print my Awesome Applicants resume?

Sure!  On the Resume Home section of the Resume Builder tool, click on the Print Resume button.  Your resume should open in a new tab or window, and depending on your internet browser, a print menu should appear.  If no print menu appears, you may need to click on File then Print.

How do I include references and work history?

The Awesome Applicants® online resumé system is a searchable database for employers, based on the checklists you complete and the information you provide in your "Sell Yourself" section. This service is designed to be a "starting point" for employers to screen and select potential applicants for further interview.  Having too long of a resume as your first introduction may be a detrement, so you can keep things a bit more simple to start.

We recommend putting a line in your Sell Yourself section, something like "References available upon request."  Compile any letters of recommendation or references into a single document that you can email or send to an Employer if they request it.  You can also list references in your Sell Yourself section too, but we recommend keeping it simple and just include the name, title/relationship and contact info of each reference.

You can show your work history using the History section of the Resume Builder tool.  You create a nice looking grid of your past Workamping experiences.  In the History section you can add the dates, company name, location, title and brief duties for each work history entry.

Where do I see the number of times my resume has been viewed?

You can see the number of times your resume has been viewed by logging in to with your account information. On your Dashboard, click on the Awesome Applicants Resume Builder button.

On the Resume Home section of the Resume Builder, in a white circle on the right you'll see how many times your resume has been viewed. If you are not receiving views after making an update to your resume, you may want to peruse the sections of your resume to make sure everything is correct, or make some revisions.  You'll find resources to help you with your resume content in the Article Index and Media Library.

How can I find which employer has viewed my resumé?

When an employer views your resume, you will receive an email, or you may see your view count increasing.  But we have no information on which employer viewed your resume, or if you will be contacted. This duty lies solely with the employer.

The reason that the notification email does not tell you 'who' looked at your resume just that your resume was viewed, is for privacy for the Employers. Our Employer subscribers may look through 100 resumes to find one candidate to fill a position. When an Employer finds a candidate that they think will fit the opportunity, the Employer will contact that Workamper. This way the Employer is communicating with a potential Workamper match, and not 99 other candidates who had something in their resume that did not match the opportunity.

The notifications provide a heads up for the Workamper that their resume is being seen, which means you're doing something right! If you continue to receive notifications, but no direct contact from an Employer, you may want to review your resume and look at things that may be able to be improved. (Or there may also be a type-o in your contact information, so it's always good to double-check that too!)

How do I turn off the emails saying that my resume has been viewed?

Go to the Awesome Applicants Resume Builder tool via your Dashboard after logging in to  On the Resume Home section, check the box next to the label "do not send me email when viewed by employers."  Click the Save button to save your preference.

Why am I not receiving the applicant copy of an email when my resume is sent to an employer?

If you are not receiving an email copy when you send your resume to an employer, you should check that the email address you have in the Primary Email box on your resume is correct.  That is where the email will be sent.

It's also possible that your email provider may be blocking the email or it is being put in spam/junk.  Email providers are constantly doing updates and changes to their security. Because we send out emails to thousands of people each day, we can look like a spammer to the email providers.  Even if you have been receiving our emails for years, that doesn't mean it won't be put in your spam folder tomorrow.

There are some things you can do to help prevent the Hotline email from being blocked:

  • Do not mark emails sent to you from as spam. Please use the unsubscribe/opt out link included at the bottom of each email, or update your Communication Preferences on the Manage Account page.
  • Please add [email protected] to your address book/contact list in your email program.
  • Setup what's usually called a "rule" or a "filter".  You can create the filter so that anytime an email comes to your inbox from "[email protected]" that email is put into a specific folder.

Click here for more specific instructions on how to white list an email address with your specific email provider.

Contact our office at [email protected] or 800-446-5627. We can look up your information in our email program to see if you have marked one of our emails as spam in the past. If you have marked one of our emails as spam, our system is not allowed to send you further emails. You can reset that spam complaint using a link we can send you.

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